What do you believe? Today I’m not here to change how you see the world or what you believe in, I’m simply here to explain a few facts I have come by, your opinion is up to you.
So first, what is cloning? Cloning is replicate (a fragment of DNA placed in an organism) so that there is enough to analyze or use in protein production. Which basically means to clone something is to copy their DNA to do it.
At the moment only animals have successfully been cloned, one example of this is Dolly the sheep. In 1997 scientists successfully cloned a sheep with stem cell research methods. That opened up a whole new door of possibilities. At this point, given the research and resources, sources say human cloning could be a possibility in the next year or so.
At this point you may be asking “but even if it is possible with our technology advances, is it ethnically right?” That is a VERY good question. Cloning is not merely copying a person from their DNA and making another one of them, it is so much more! Imagine you are a solider and lost a limb in war, or you are infertile, or even blind, cloning is or that can study your DNA, find out what happened, or if you’re the guy with no arm, it can grow you another arm. How cool would it be if you went blind in your 20’s and scientists made you knew eyes and you could see again? Isn’t that worth it?
Another factor of this speech is the legal aspect, in 97 when dolly was a success, people basically got scared of the potential future, by 98 human cloning was almost banned, but it wasn’t in America and we are so thankful, it is however illegal in a few states. Do you think human cloning should be illegal? What if cloning was banned when it would cure cancer in the future? That’s a possibility. It also has the potential for age renewal, imagine being 60 and getting your 25 year old body again. Or back to the blind man, is it right to deny him the right to see gain?
While on the subject I have to cover the dangers, there are dangers, but every success came with failure,
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I’m not trying to sway yours, but I hope I did at least show you cloning from an angle, perhaps you never thought about or considered before. What’s your take on cloning? Do you think its right? Can you see the beauty and potential in this work of genetics?